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Introducing Todd. Bear special blend coffee and teas.


Special Blend

Hawaiin BRAH Blend™

Mocha Java

French Roast

On a side note:  Our coffees are roasted using the traditional handcrafted methodology; we roast each individual varietal to it’s perfection; resulting in the creation of a delightful cup of coffee. 



Todd T. Bear Tea

Peaceful Slumber™

Happiness Green Tea™

Love ™



Sit back relax and enjoy a delicious cup of hot Todd T. Bear Coffee and Tea...

Todd T. Bear special blend coffees are sourced from small farmers and co-ops who are paid a fair price for the fruit of their labor. Our premium fair trade, shade grown coffee beans are cultivated on micro lots and estates by methods that are earth friendly and organic.


Out of 


Change is brewing because...

10% of Todd T. Bears net profits will be allocated and used to promote and support causes, individuals, organizations, and other companies that help facilitate Peace on Earth, Faith in Oneself, Hope for Tomorrow, the Love of Life and Happiness over Grumpiness.  Basically, causes, individuals, organizations, and companies that are committed to making a difference...


Todd T. Bear is committed to its Vision of "A Better Tomorrow" - You and ME, together we, will accomplish great things and make the world a better place for all of eternity!!!


Change is brewing...

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